Thursday, June 24, 2010

Don´t drink the tap water

June 21st, 2010. First day of school
Arrived 8am sharp at the house of one of the other Peace Corps. (Cuerpo del Paz) trainee’s casa for our first day of class (hence the title of the entry, duh Tristan). There are six of us total, including our Ecuadorian teacher, Diana. 8 hours later, when class was finally finished, I wish I had learned Spanish years ago (it was fun, be mentally brutal).
Key take a-ways today were:
1. The weather in Cayambe is “like a woman” because it is always changing. It can be torrential down pour one minute then white-people skin melting hot the next
2. Good internet connection can be found in Cayambe
3. Return the glass bottle of Coca-cola to the store post consumption

June 22nd, 2010

Yes, you can get sunburned on a cloudy day.

On a quick visit back to my casa to retrieve my camera during class time, I found my host Madre standing next to the house by the fenced in compound that I did not think they owned (never assume anything in this country). She beckoned me inside and I was very surprised with what I found.
Chained to the wall, surrounded by a wide variety of farm animals that I did not know they owned, was the god damn rooster with the 3 hour early internal alarm clock. This rooster thinks dawn breaks at 330am, and it does not because I checked. I was up again at 6am for run (still not adjusted to altitude) and the sun had just come up.
As I was about to go tell the time challenged creature (with the heel of my shoe) I was given valuable information from Jose. This was a fighting rooster, he showed me by sticking his foot within the radius of the rooster and the thing went Jackie Chan on it. So I let bygones be bygones and moved on to the more cuddly creatures such as guinea pigs (food), rabbits (food), pigs (food), the dog named lion (food in other areas of the country) and a young cat (probably dog food later in its life).
I inquired to when the next cock fight was and apparently it is this Sunday. I might have to miss church again for yet another, “cultural experience.” I also learned that Saturday afternoon is a bullfight in the ring only 4 blocks from my house. Get to check that off the list soon!
In other news, I get to learn to wash clothes by hand later this week and maybe, hopefully, get to see a world cup game live.

June 23rd, 2010
Today was filled with group activities and more information that needs to be crammed into our heads. The information consisted of personal safety, what to eat, what to say (more importantly what not to say) and other stuff I still need to learn.
After a long day of learning it was nice to come to my host family and kick the soccer ball around the street with my host brother Walter. It was also nice to hear and see the highlights of the USA world cup game. USA!!!
June 24th, 2010
Another day of group activities… However today we were also spoiled with a lively presentation about tape worms, hook worms, round worms, mosquitoes, diarrhea and other such fun things. The medical officer made the presentation entertainingly gross and requested that if any of us get a round worm, to take a picture and send it to her so she can add it to her photo album. I don’t think she was kidding. Then it was time for lunch. Awesome.
After class, 20 or so of the now 67 (previously 68 volunteers) stuck around to play some futbol. We played for about 40 min on a small field at half speed, but my heart was racing like we were sprinting for miles, as was everyone else’s. For the locals watching, it probably only furthered the stereotype that Americans are fat and lazy. Stupid altitude. Hopefully by the end of next week we will all be adjusted, and marginally better futbol players.(My room)


  1. I laughed myself sick reading this. I check numerous times a day for the next installment. You are so funny and your life is so full!!! You have a better room in Ecuador than you did here in Wayne :)

  2. Dare I ask what happened to the 68th???

  3. It will take longer than a week or two to get used to that altitude, but it will eventually happen. Glad you are playing football. Cock and bull fights: you are in for a treat! You are not in Kansas anymore.....

  4. You're going to eat a guinea pig?? I am both excited and terrified to hear your very-detailed descriptions of the cock/bull fights!

  5. Guinea pigs for dinner Kim would be crushed and Sammy would never eat again!!!!!!!!!!! Keep the stories coming, they are better than any tv show:)

  6. Tristan....we are on retreat praying that you will survive all the social activities down there.
    If you do nothing else when you come home, you can start a cheese making business....sounds fascinating. Otherwise, most of us will be at the funeral for Mr. Perras on Saturday. He was a good guy, so keep him in your and prayers....Nanny and Grandpa
